Light-armoured central tube optical cable

Detailed introduction

· Product Description

The fibers, 250μm, are positioned in a loose tube made of high modulus material. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. At the center of the cable core is a metal reinforcing core. For some cables with a certain number of cores, a layer of polyethylene (PE) is added to the metal reinforcing core. The loose tube (and filler) is twisted around the central reinforcement core to form a compact and round cable core. The gaps in the cable core are filled with water-blocking filler. The cable is longitudinally coated with aluminum strip (PL) and then extruded with polyethylene sheath.

· Product Features

· Excellent mechanical properties and temperature characteristics · The loose tube material itself has good water resistance and high strength · The pipe is filled with special oil to provide critical protection for the optical fiber · Specially designed tight structure of the cable · PE sheath has good uv radiation resistance. · The following measures are adopted to ensure the waterproof performance of the optical cable: - single wire center to strengthen core - pine casing fill special waterproofing compound - fully filled cable core - plastic coated aluminum (APL) with moistureproof layer, product standards

GYTA fiber optic cables comply with YD/T 901-2001 and IEC 60794-1

G. 652, g. 655 50/125 62.5/125 mu mu m m

Attenuation (+20℃) @850nm ≤ 3.0dB /km ≤ 3.0dB /km

@1300nm ≤ 1.0db /km ≤ 1.0db /km

@1310nm ≤ 0.36db /km ≤ 0.40db /km

@ 1550 nm 0.22 dB/km or less 0.23 dB/km or less

Bandwidth (class A) @850nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz·km

@1300nm ≥ 1000mhz ·km ≥ 600mhz ·km

Numerical aperture 0.200± 0.015Na 0.275± 0.015Na

Optical cable cutoff wavelength ≤1260nm ≤1480nm

· Structural parameters

Cable Model Number of optical fibers Number of tubes

Number of filling rope Diameter mm Weight kg/km Allowed tensile force long/short TermN Allowed flattening force long/short TermN/100mm Bending radius Static/dynamic mm

Gyta-2 ~6 core 2~6 1 4 9.7 90 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-8 ~12 core 8~12 2 3 9.7 90 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-14 ~18 core 14~18 3 2 9.7 90 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-20 ~24 core 20~24 4 1 9.7 90 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-26 ~30 core 26~30 50 9.7 90 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-32 ~36 core 32~36 60 10.2 104 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-38 ~48 core 38~48 4 1 11.0 117 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-50 ~60 core 50~60 50 0 11.0 117 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-62 ~72 core 62~72 60 0 11.5 126 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-74 ~84 core 74~84 7 1 13.4 154 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-86 ~96 core 86~96 80 0 13.4 154 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-98 ~108 core 98~108 9 1 14.8 185 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-110 ~120 core 110~120 100 14.8 185 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-122 ~132 Core 122~132 11 1 16.9 228 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-134 ~144 core 134~144 12 0 16.9 228 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Gyta-146 ~216 core 146~216 16.9 233 1000/3000 300/1000 10D/20D

Storage and service temperature: -40℃ to + 70℃

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